Les Eclaireuses

Ecofeminist leadership programme

Les Eclaireuses2024-10-07T08:06:36+00:00

Transformed Leaders • Reinforced Skills • Healthy collaboration

Well Grounded’s vision is that women CSO leaders can confidently assert their rights, are capable of speaking up about issues affecting them and play an active role in natural resource governance. To achieve this, Well Grounded has developed an ecofeminist leadership programme called Les Eclaireuses, meaning ‘pathfinders’ in French, which speaks to women leading the way for others.

Les Eclaireuses is a year-long transformational leadership journey, combining ‘soft skills’ with practical tools and support, with ecofeminist themes running throughout. The programme moves from the personal, to the systems in which we operate, via three intersecting phases:


Organisations and Teams


The Les Eclaireuses Leadership Programme encompasses the following key strategies:

In-person workshops

Deep reflections and learning are facilitated via three in-person week-long workshop retreats over the course of a year.

Online learning

The main themes of the workshops are introduced and followed up via online learning, connection and facilitated reflections, using accessible online resources and tools.

Professional coaching

Participants are supported to integrate new learning and insights into their day-to-day via regular sessions with independent professional coaches connected to the programme.

A vibrant alumni community

We are building a community of ecofeminist leaders graduating from the programme that will be nurtured by online and in-person engagement and interaction.

Organisational integration

Each organisation participating in the programme is supported to reflect on their organisational development priorities and develop an action plan, providing synergies with the individual leaders’ journeys and supporting long term change.

Engaging men

Alongside the intensive leadership support with the cohort of women leaders, we also engage their male colleagues in shorter workshops covering ecofeminist themes and positive masculinity.

What is ecofeminism?

Ecofeminism is a holistic social and environmental philosophy. At its core, ecofeminism seeks to address the interconnected crises of environmental degradation and gender inequality. It recognizes the deep links between the exploitation of women and the exploitation of the Earth, emphasising the importance of nurturing a more harmonious relationship with our planet. Through our ecofeminist leadership programme, we empower individuals to champion both gender equity and environmental sustainability, fostering a brighter future for all.


About Les Eclaireuses

Les Eclaireuses is a regional programme, covering Well Grounded’s four strategic focus countries in the Congo Basin (Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of Congo & Democratic Republic of Congo), via a rotating cohort, focusing on one country at a time. Each cohort is recruited from the leading civil society organisations working on environmental management and governance issues linked to forests in the Congo Basin region, and with a focus or interest in gender equality.

Our scoping process involves extensive research through our networks in the region. After identifying suitable organisations, we invite them to put forward two candidates for the recruitment process, these candidates can be either the heads of their organisations (if female), or women in senior to middle management of the organisation, with a view to supporting emerging women leaders. From this shortlist, we look to recruit a cohort of 10 organisations, and 20 women leaders.

So far, we have organised two iterations of the programme in DRC between 2019 and 2022 and a Cameroon cohort is engaged in the programme over the course of 2023-2024. We plan to include the Republic of Congo and Gabon in upcoming years, and a regional alumni network will maintain and develop connections between graduates of the programme.

Read more about Les Eclaireuses


My first challenge was my shyness and lack of confidence. Secondly, I was scattered in the way I worked, and this made me very tired, because I was doing the same thing a thousand times without any noticeable results. I thought I could do everything on my own and that others were slowing me down. But as a result of the leadership journey with Well Grounded, I firstly got a clear vision of what I want to do, I clarified my mission as well. From there I knew that I could not achieve this vision alone, I had to work as a team. I became a woman who takes responsibility, who takes a direction with determination in order to produce positive change. I understood that there is no magic in changing the world, you just have to believe in what you are doing, taking inspiration from other leaders who have gone before you, and above all working in symbiosis with those around you.


We put water in our wine in the Central Kongo CFLEDD. There was a before and after leadership for us. Before we had a strong centralisation of responsibilities around the focal point. After the leadership workshop, we have structured our branch better, we have a better dialogue between us and we attract people to us. There is a better sharing of information and responsibilities by the focal point, she assigns tasks according to the collectively decided distribution. Straight talking makes a difference, we practice listening and feedback. We have succeeded in creating a calm climate where everyone can express themselves. There are no conflicts because everyone is involved.

Souzy Luzolo, DRC

I have always wanted to manage better, to achieve something great but I did not know how to go about it. This leadership programme allowed me to know myself better, to know my potential and to know my assets that I did not know.

Sandrine Nambessa, Central African Republic

The ecofeminist leadership programme has helped me to discover my inner power and gain confidence and self-esteem. I make use of this power in my work. I acknowledge the uniqueness of my collaborators and this helps the team to achieve their objectives in a collective manner.

Judith Banawela Mkoy – Action pour la défense des droits des femmes et lutte contre le changement climatique (ONG AGFL)

Before the [training], words like ‘Positive masculinity, gender and inclusion’ did not mean a lot to me. The ecofeminist journey has transformed my life. I now create time for my family especially with my children and my wife. My attitude towards women has changed. I have now become a feminist leader who protects the rights of women. I work to encourage other men to understand the concept ‘Positive masculinity’ and to include gender and inclusion in their daily activities.

Justin Ngandu – Kalombay Forêts et Développement Durables (FODD)
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