

As well as providing support to civil society actors through our grant funded programmes, Well Grounded delivers support through consultancy services.

To find out more, please get in touch

Why choose Well Grounded to support your organisation in its development?

We have extensive practical experience and expertise in supporting Civil Society Organisations.

We have knowledge and understanding of the context of the Congo Basin, Central Africa and Africa at large.

We provide tailor made support based on an organisations’ abilities (assets, strength, challenges and situation), using a variety of participative methodologies which allow organisations to own the process and results.

We have organisational and facilitation expertise that allow us to manage complex situations.

We work according to high standards and when needed we go the extra step by investing our time and experience in order to achieve long lasting impact.

Our associate consultants can work in both French and English.

We have a network of consultants that bring local and international expertise, which is a huge asset when it comes to complex processes. Some of our consultants are locally based which reduces our carbon footprint and travel costs.

Our consultancies are value driven

Our values are made real through the way in which we approach our consultancy work

Our values are:
Respect, Inclusion, Sovereignty, Adaptation

As a client, you are in the driving seat of the development of your organisation, and you own the process. At the start of the consultancy, leadership and other staff members involved, go through a process of engagement where you decide on the changes you want to see. We respect your current situation and your wishes. We continuously adapt the process that we are facilitating with you, based on discussions and the direction you want to take.

When we talk about the client we mean a wide selection of the organisation’s staff members, not just the leadership or management. All staff need to buy into the new direction taken by the organisation and be involved in what the future will look like. We start from appreciating what is, what has been achieved and what the organisation is proud of and through the use of a diversity of practical methods, we build a discussion and develop the organisation further.

Consultancy processes can be short term (a one-off intervention of a number of days) or longer term (a series of 3 to 6 interventions tailored to your organisation’s ambition and vision for change) with a preference for longer term. Long term support enables us to provide deep support and further development and support during the implementation of changes planned resulting in a more lasting impact on the internal development and maintenance of your organisation.

What we offer:
We offer process facilitation to:

Analyse your internal functioning and understand your assets, what works effectively and where you have challenges, what could be improved and what the action plan could be for the way forward

Undertake situational analysis to help you understand the context you operate in and its evolution. This includes opportunities and threats.

Undertake strategic planning

Develop and improve the governance of your organisation by examining: organisational foundations (purpose, value) organisational structure, roles and responsibilities, decision making, setting up systems and policies, membership agreements, organisational culture, etc.

Develop your organisation business model and set up a resource mobilisation strategy

Develop partnerships. This includes reflection on your current partnership model, power dynamic with your current partners and defining what drives your partnership

Develop a communication strategy (internal and external)

Offer leadership coaching and mentoring to leaders and individual staff members who play a key role in the process

Offer tailored training programmes on specific areas of our expertise including: Asset and Community Centred Approach (ACCA), gender, diversity & inclusion, facilitation skills, leadership development, etc.

Enter the digital world and embrace information and communication technology (ICT): Initiating your team into the basic tools to improve collaborative work, information sharing or project management. We can also support your organisation to go further and make the digital transition if that is your ambition. This is a process of 3 to 6 months according to your organisation’s ambition.

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