How interventions in the “North” can jeopardise leadership in the “South”

2022-03-11T13:45:15+00:00March 5th, 2020|

Behind popular concepts, real imbalances remain Working for a long time with European NGOs linked to Africa, I was often embarrassed by the unspoken vertical relationship, and by the imbalance that often occurs between an NGO from the North and a partner organisation from the South. Northern NGOs, and funders, want to implement projects and programmes they care for and to answer problems they have identified as priorities by putting forward the answers they find the most relevant and urgent.   Nowadays, there is a trend to consult southern NGOs and to get them to participate in the conception of projects, to [...]

Useful free resources for CSOs: tested and approved tools

2022-03-11T13:45:09+00:00February 1st, 2018|

Working in a small organisation is not easy. Financial and human resources are scarce, and although civil society organisations (CSOs) are aware that there are countless free resources and tools out there that could make their life easier, they are often so overloaded that they can’t invest the time needed to find out where they are and which ones would correspond to their needs. Here are a few resources we find useful, on issues that small CSOs often request support for; we hope they will allow you to free up time for what’s important: your programmes and the people you work [...]

Raising funds for small NGOs: meeting the challenge

2022-03-11T13:45:01+00:00June 8th, 2016|

By Camaleo Let's face it: competition for funds is high, and fundraising has converted into an uphill battle for all non profits. The situation is even more dire for smaller organisations, especially when they are based in the countries where they implement their programmes. Small organisations and their specificities The vast majority of charitable organisations in the world are rather small, and most are based in the global South. Much of the good work worldwide is done by these small non-profits. It is true that for these organisations, fundraising is difficult. But they know the local situation well, and new technologies, [...]

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