Latest Past Events

Webinaire : « Moving forward with PAs – We stand with IPs» • DRC

On the occasion of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, Well Grounded is organizing, as part of its solidarity action in the Pas [JIPA 2022] in the three countries of the Congo Basin, a series of webinars whose main theme is: ” Moving forward with PAs – We stand with IPs”, from August 04 to 08, 2022. The international community commemorates this August 09, 2022, the declaration of the international day of IPs of the world under the theme “The role of indigenous women in the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge”. As a prelude to the activities marking the said [...]

Webinar: « Moving forward with PAs – We stand with IPs» • ROC

On the occasion of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, Well Grounded is organizing, as part of its solidarity action in the Pas [JIPA 2022] in the three countries of the Congo Basin, a series of webinars whose main theme is: ” Moving forward with PAs – We stand with IPs”, from August 04 to 08, 2022. The international community commemorates this August 09, 2022, the declaration of the international day of IPs of the world under the theme “The role of indigenous women in the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge”. As a prelude to the activities marking the said [...]

Webinar : « Moving forward with PAs – We stand with IPs» • Cameroon

On the occasion of the International Day of Indigenous Peoples, Well Grounded is organizing, as part of its solidarity action in the Pas [JIPA 2022] in the three countries of the Congo Basin, a series of webinars whose main theme is: " Moving forward with PAs - We stand with IPs”, from August 04 to 08, 2022. The international community commemorates this August 09, 2022, the declaration of the international day of IPs of the world under the theme "The role of indigenous women in the preservation and transmission of traditional knowledge". As a prelude to the activities marking the said [...]