Cohorte F4C 20222022-10-19T12:08:31+00:00

Bisil Eric

Eric has over 10 years of experience in natural resources governance through his work in Central and West Africa for civil society organisations. He holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Management. Eric has a particular interest in environmental and social safeguard issues.

Nationality: Cameroonian

City of residence: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Languages: French, English

LinkedIn : Eric Bisil

Djoukouo Félicité

Félicité is a sociologist-researcher, specialising in Population and Development from the University of Yaoundé I, and a consultant with a passion for gender, leadership, empowerment and youth issues. She is also the executive director of the Association des Acteurs de Développement (ADEV), an association that campaigns for the environment and promotes sustainable development.

Nationality: Canadian,

City of residence: Quebec, Canada

Languages : French

Linkedin: Félicité Djoukouo

Foumena Willy Cedric

As a consultant, Cedric worked on a pilot project for the formalisation of the mining industry in Cameroon. He took part in the assessment of the Social and Environmental Responsibility of civil society organisations on behalf of UNICEF Cameroon. He co-authored a study on the integration of environmental and social aspects into public mining policy in Cameroon.

Nationality : Cameroonian

City of residence : Yaoundé, Cameroon

Languages : French

Linkedin : Willy Cédric Foumena

Hango Emmanuel

Emmanuel holds a degree in History and International Relations, a Design Engineering diploma (BAC+5) in Social Sciences for Development as well as a Master II in Social Sciences and Development from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique of Maroua. Passionate about the fight against poverty, he has worked with several civil society organisations in the implementation of community recovery in favour of the most vulnerable people. His skills are mainly based on support in the creation of associations, the drafting of statutes, internal regulations and administrative and financial procedures manual drafting.

Nationality : Cameroonian

City of residence: Maroua, Cameroon

Language : French, English

Linkedin : Emmanuel Hango

Christelle Kouetcha

Christelle is a journalist by training with 10 years of experience in the field with a particular focus on the sustainable development sector. With advanced training in this sector, she made a shift in her professional career to specialise in communication for development (C4D). In addition, Christelle has carried out several consultancy missions on behalf of CSOs on issues related to the performance of organisations, particularly in terms of communication.

Nationality : Cameroonian

City of residence: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Languages : French, English, Spanish

LinkedIn : Christelle Kouetcha

Lissouk Mouaha Florence

An experienced and dedicated consultant with more than 10 years of experience in environmental management under the aspects of industrial safety, health and safety at work and populations, Florence has worked with several companies in Cameroon in the agribusiness, mining, renewable energy (solar) and fossil energy (petroleum) sectors, cement industry, etc. on behalf of the environmental consultancy H&B Consulting.

A volunteer entrepreneur in the artisanal food sector, Florence is a member of several entrepreneurial associations, and advocates for the consumption of local products and the promotion of African know-how.

Nationality : Cameroonian

City of residence :Douala, Cameroon

Languages : French, English

LinkedIn : Florence Lissouk

Mbala Ntsama Anne-Marie Lazare

Anne-Marie Lazare Mbala Ntsama grew up in Yaoundé, where she attended university. She graduated from the University of Yaoundé with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education in 2009, followed by professional training in project analysis and evaluation. She is currently pursuing a PHD in African languages and linguistics. Following this course in 2011, she became a focal point for public administrations and national and international non-governmental organisations on gender and family-related issues.

Nationality : Cameroonian

City of residence :Yaoundé, Cameroon

Languages : French, English

LinkedIn : Anne Marie Lazare Mbala Ntsama

Mikamb Gaelle Pamela

Pamela is an anthropologist with a Master’s degree in Environment. She has been working with civil society for 15 years as a volunteer and expert. She is a consultant in management, monitoring and evaluation of projects in different areas where she has collaborated with international organisations and UN agencies such as WWF, GIZ, UNICEF, WHO, WFP, CHAI as well as state institutions.

Nationality: Cameroonian

City of residence: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Languages : French

LinkedIn : Pamela Mikamb

NGono Hortense wife NGa Onana

For over 15 years, Hortense has worked in the fields of environmental governance, sustainable natural resource management and gender. With a degree in Environmental Science and Project Cycle Management, she has had a fascinating professional career working with local organisations, government and international organisations. As an independent consultant, her core competencies are: strategy, programme and project development, monitoring and evaluation and conducting specific studies.

Nationality: Cameroonian

City of residence: Yaoundé, Cameroon

Languages: French, English

LinkedIn : NGONO épouse NGA hortense

Lenckonov O. Cedryck Laurel

Cedryck holds a Master II Professional degree in Science and Technology, specialising in Quality-Safety-Environment Management (QSEM), with 12 years of experience in the oil sector for the Ministry of Oil and Gas.

. For the past 13 years, he has been working as an independent consultant in the fields of QSEM, Sustainable Development, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in the industrial sectors, public works, State entities and civil society.

Nationality: Congolese

City of residence: Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Languages : French, English, Korean (medium), American Sign Language (ASL)

Linkedin : Laurel Lenckonov

Makiedi Canhel Triomphe

Triomphe holds a Master’s degree in Business Law and several certificates in Environmental Law, HR and Management. He has been working for 8 years as a consultant for several international organisations (Well-Grounded, WWF, FSC, UN Volunteer, OHADA, PPSAC). He specialised in legal issues related to biodiversity protection but also in social and environmental safeguards in the sustainable management of natural resources. Triomphe has experience in supporting civil society organisations. He is currently working as a national focal point for Well-Grounded in the Republic of Congo.

A volunteer entrepreneur in the artisanal food sector, Florence is a member of several entrepreneurial associations, and advocates for the consumption of local products and the promotion of African know-how.

Nationality : Congolese

City of residence : Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Languages : French, English

LinkedIn : Triumph Canhel Makiedi

Michael Mwanaikemba

Michael is a political scientist and economist by training, working on natural resources governance and the rights of local communities and indigenous people. He works to support forest communities in the fight against poverty through organisational capacity building.

Nationality: Congolese

City of residence : Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Languages: French, English

LinkedIn : Michael (Malabe) Mwanaikemba

Yassine Bernadin Ngoumba

Yassine is a forestry engineer specialised in forest governance. He has 8 years of professional experience in monitoring and forest governance. Since 2019, he works as a consultant with Civil Society Organisations, logging companies and Governemental Organisations in the following areas:

  • Diagnosis of CSO networks effectiveness
  • Capacity building for Local communities and indigenous people and CSOs
  • Mapping of forest encroachments

Nationality: Congolese

City of residence: Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

Languages: French, English

LinkedIn : Yassine Bernadin Ngoumba

Bauma Amani Merveille

With a degree in economics and management, Merveille began her professional career as a human rights activist and community mobiliser. In 2012, she joined the banking sector as a SMEs and Corporate client manager respectively at the International Bank for Africa in Congo and the Bank Of Africa-BMCE Bank Group, before joining a Microfinance Institution as General Manager.  Later, she worked in the humanitarian sector as Administrative and Financial Manager. Today, Merveille Bauma coordinates a research centre, HESABU Academy, which collects and analyses data to guide decisions of public entities and private operators.

Nationality : DRC

City of residence : Goma, DRC

Languages : French, Kiswahili, English, Lingala

LinkedIn : Merveille Amani

Bisele Kasereka Henri

Henri holds a degree in Rural Development with a focus on Environment and Sustainable Development from ISDR-Beni and has extensive experience in natural resources management. He accompanies local communities where he has developed expertise in environmental communication, coordination of community development activities and organisational capacity building.

Nationality: DRC

City of residence: Beni, DRC

Languages : French, Swahili, Lingala, English

Linkedin : Henri Bisele

Lumoo S. Marie DesAnges

Marie DesAnges has worked with international and national organisations including the civil affairs department of the UN peacekeeping mission, Jesuit Refugee Service, the JAMAA Foundation, the women’s legal movement, etc. During this period, she carried out consultancy missions in the field of capacity building of civil society organisations, training of women and youth in conflict management and leadership. Her key skills include the development of CSO strategic plans and gender analysis.

Nationality: DRC

City of residence: Goma, DRC

Languages : French, Kiswahili, English, Lingala

LinkedIn : Marie desanges (Shamamba) Lumoo

Mbilizi Mutimanwa Fidèle

Fidèle holds a Bachelor’s degree (BAC+5) in Rural Development, Department of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. He has 8 years of experience as an expert and human rights defender, specifically for indigenous people. From this background, he has also developed skills in capacity building for CSOs, market system development, livelihoods and economic recovery of low income households. Fidèle is also an expert in organisational diagnosis for local CSOs, indigenous peoples’ organisations (IPs) and in structuring small-scale producers into cooperatives and farmers’ organisations.

Nationality: DRC

City of residence: Goma, DRC

Languages: French, Kiswahili, Lingala, English

Key competencies: Sustainable Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental Policies, Evaluation and Monitoring, Capacity Building and Education, Environmental Awareness, International Cooperation

LinkedIn : Fidèle Mbilizi MUTIMANWA

Florence Sitwaminya

A lawyer by training, Florence is an independent consultant. She has been facilitating training workshops and accompanying national Civil Society Organisations in the framework of their own structuring, strategic plan designing, institutional diagnosis and the elaboration of internal capacity building plans.

Nationality : DRC

City of residence : Goma, DRC

Languages : French, Kiswahili, Lingala, English

LinkedIn : Florence Sitwaminya

Isongo Angemboni J. Ruphin

Native of the province of Equateur (DRC), Jacques is currently residing in the capital city of Kinshasa. Since April 2012, he is a community development actor at the Centre des Technologies Innovatrices et le Développement Durable (CTIDD), where he draws on his expertise in project design and management as well as in the governance of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs). He has contributed to the work of several organisations including:

  • La Synergie des Initiatives et Actions Communautaire pour le Développement Intégral (SIACODI)
  • La Coalition des Femmes Leaders pour l’environnement et Développement Durable (CFLEDD)
  • Le Réseau des Populations Autochtones et Locales pour la Gestion Durable des Écosystèmes forestiers de la RDC (REPALEF)
  • Le Groupe de Travail Climat REDD+ Rénové (GTCRR
Nationality: DRC

City of residence: Kinshasa, DRC

Languages: French, Lingala

Linkedin : Jacques Isongo

Ndaya Kanyinda Brenda

A computer engineer specialising in digital marketing, Brenda is the Managing Director of the Brexaldie Web Agency. She currently works as a consultant in communication and marketing strategy where she helps companies and organisations to develop their communication strategy so that they can communicate effectively to achieve planned results. Brenda collaborates with other organisations such as the Aurore Foundation, Diamond Medical Centre, MUFFA, MIFDA and many others.

Nationality : DRC

City of residence :Kinshasa, DRC

Languages : French, Lingala, English

LinkedIn : Brenda Ekila (Ndaya) Mackanyinda

Ntumba Kadima Priscille

Priscille holds a degree in law from the Protestant University of Congo (UPC) and has been working for more than 10 years as an expert on “Gender and Social Inclusion”. First as a staff member in international organisations (Tifie Humanitarian, ENABEL – Belgian Cooperation, Save The Children) and currently as a consultant and in this framework she supports renowned organisations such as CHEMONICS INTERNATIONAL/USAID, UN WOMEN, UNICEF, FAO.

Nationality : DRC

City of residence : Kinshasa, DRC

Languages : French, Lingala, Kikongo, English, Tshiluba, Swahili

LinkedIn : Priscille Kadima

Okitayela Patrick

With a Master’s degree in Development studies, Patrick is pursuing a PhD in the same area and has an extensive experience in mobilising climate finance for the public and private sectors. He assists public and private sector entities in understanding climate finance mechanisms (CVF and Climate Change Adaptation Funds). Patrick Okitayela is also one of the climate negotiators on behalf of the DRC Government.

Nationality : DRC

City of residence :Kinshasa, DRC

Languages : French, English

LinkedIn : Patrick Okitayela

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