Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission2022-04-03T10:45:16+00:00

Our vision

A credible, collaborative, inclusive and effective African Civil Society capable of advocating for social and environmental justice while empowering communities to determine their own future.

Our mission

Supporting African CSOs to gain power and skills to positively influence natural resource governance and to empower communities to determine their own future.

Civil Society Organisations have a key role to play in mobilising communities and influencing government practices and policies so as to create positive and sustainable change in natural resource governance


My first challenge was my shyness and lack of confidence. Secondly, I was scattered in the way I worked, and this made me very tired, because I was doing the same thing a thousand times without any noticeable results. I thought I could do everything on my own and that others were slowing me down. But as a result of the leadership journey with Well Grounded, I firstly got a clear vision of what I want to do, I clarified my mission as well. From there I knew that I could not achieve this vision alone, I had to work as a team. I became a woman who takes responsibility, who takes a direction with determination in order to produce positive change. I understood that there is no magic in changing the world, you just have to believe in what you are doing, taking inspiration from other leaders who have gone before you, and above all working in symbiosis with those around you.


We put water in our wine in the Central Kongo CFLEDD. There was a before and after leadership for us. Before we had a strong centralisation of responsibilities around the focal point. After the leadership workshop, we have structured our branch better, we have a better dialogue between us and we attract people to us. There is a better sharing of information and responsibilities by the focal point, she assigns tasks according to the collectively decided distribution. Straight talking makes a difference, we practice listening and feedback. We have succeeded in creating a calm climate where everyone can express themselves. There are no conflicts because everyone is involved.

Souzy Luzolo, DRC

I have always wanted to manage better, to achieve something great but I did not know how to go about it. This leadership programme allowed me to know myself better, to know my potential and to know my assets that I did not know.

Sandrine Nambessa, Central African Republic
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